Rich Minority Website Design

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We are HUMAN. We are the same. We are not defined by our hue. OR our gender, status, popularity, or appearance. We are not defined by the arrogance or ignorance of others. WE ARE THE SAME. Born equal with our own individual purposes that we must discover throughout our journeys. As we navigate our lives, we must spread love amongst one another and treat every human we encounter with fairness - encouraging all to be the best version of themselves. We have created these products to implement values of love, equality, and unity in those around us.

About Rich Minority

We are HUMAN. We are the same. We are not defined by our hue. OR our gender, status, popularity, or appearance. We are not defined by the arrogance or ignorance of others. WE ARE THE SAME. Born equal with our own individual purposes that we must discover throughout our journeys. As we navigate our lives, we must spread love amongst one another and treat every human we encounter with fairness - encouraging all to be the best version of themselves. We have created these products to implement values of love, equality, and unity in those around us.

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