KITTEN Website Design

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Kitten is a cre­ative agency pro­duc­ing stills, motion and dig­i­tal con­tent for the fash­ion, beauty and luxury indus­tries. Kitten works hand in hand with brands and mag­a­zines by devel­op­ing a long term rela­tion­ship of trust with them. Kitten pro­vides world­wide full-ser­vice pro­duc­tion and made-to-mea­sure projects with ded­i­cated cre­ative teams.


Kitten is a cre­ative agency pro­duc­ing stills, motion and dig­i­tal con­tent for the fash­ion, beauty and luxury indus­tries. Kitten works hand in hand with brands and mag­a­zines by devel­op­ing a long term rela­tion­ship of trust with them. Kitten pro­vides world­wide full-ser­vice pro­duc­tion and made-to-mea­sure projects with ded­i­cated cre­ative teams.

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